Ad Clicks

The number of times users click on an ad banner.

Banner Ad

An advertisement on the web page that is connected to the advertiser's site.

Brand Development Index (BDI)

An index that is calculated by taking the percentage of a brand's total sales that occured in a given market as compared to the percentage of the total population in the market.

Cable TV

Also known as subscription/pay TV. TV signals are transmitted to homes by underground and overhead cables or over-the-air (wireless cable TV). The cable is then connected to the receiver/decoder where signals are decompressed/unscrampled for viewing.


High levels of advertising activity, particularly in terms of number of advertising units, where any given ad or commercial tends to be lost in the crowded commercial environment.

Coverage (Reach)

The proportion (%) of a target audience having an opportunity to see/ read/ hear the environment.


Cost per thousand. Cost of reaching a thousand readers/viewers/listeners in a given medium.


Cost per rating point. Cost of reaching one percent of the target audience.


Also described as subscription TV via satellite. Satellite signals are transmitted to a viewer's home via the use of the viewer's own Earth station dish.

Display Advertising

Advertising in newspapers and magazines that uses illustrations, photos, headlines, and other visual elements in addtion to copy text.

Effective Reach

The percentage of target audience that is exposed to advertising schedules a sufficient number of times to produce a positive change in awareness, attitude or purchase action. Effective reach is usually referred to as 3+ reach in most schedules.


A method of scheduling advertising for a period of time (usually weeks), followed by a period of no advertising (hiatus) and then a resumption of advertising. Flights are sometimes referred to as bursts.


An oversize magazine page or cover that is extended and folded over to fit into the publication. Gatefolds are used to extend the size of a magazine advertisement and are always sold at a premium.


Opportunity To See. This refers to the average number of times the target audience is exposed to the advertisement in a given schedule (average frequency).


A more sophisticated form of demographics that includes information about the psychological and sociological characteristics of media consumers such as attitudes, values, emotional response and ideological beliefs.


Target Audience Ratings Points. One target audience rating point refers to 1% of target audience reached. TARPs refer to the sum total of target audience rating points in a given schedule.

Terrestrial TV

Users need a VHF/UHF antenna to pick up signals and connect the cable directly to the TV.


To switch TV channels (usually with a remote control), especially during commercial breaks.


To fast-forward VCR playback to avoid seeing TV commercials.